The Things Tina and Bette Didn’t Explain

Showtime 2003I suppose Ilene Chaiken is more accurate.

So remember when T and A make their first baby? They’re at home with Marcus Allenwood’s sperm, they drink some wine and have hot sex and then the crew comes in while T is laying with her hips up and Alice gets Marcus Allenwood’s love juice on her shirt.

Then-BOOM! They’re pregnant and happy dykes.

Okay, okay. I know what you’re going to say. They lose their little boy and it’s heartbreaking and the way that Bette deals with it is by fucking Carmen. (Not to be confused with Shane’s Carmen next season).

But then, Season Two opens with Tina about 6 mos pregnant with their second kid.

You know what. Fuck you, L Word and Fuck you, Ilene Chaiken. How about a real glimpse of what it’s like for dykes to have babies?

What about maxing out credit cards to buy sperm? What about getting denied health insurance coverage? What about paying out of pocket for services? What about the times when it doesn’t work?

Because that’s what it’s really like when lesbians have babies. I know two women who are official LUPL (Lesbian Urban Pregnancy Legends) One miscarried (and now has a beautiful daughter) and the other has a beautiful son. Only these two women, in my entire lesbian community have gotten pregnant on the first shot.

The real world of lesbian pregnancy is a big, scary, lonely world filled with hetero-normative chat rooms dedicated to the perils of TTC. It’s about maxed out budgets, stress, and insurance companies and fertility clinics who either stumble over the word “same sex” or “lesbian” and instead make you feel like if you just fucked a guy you’d be covered.

I’m serious. I asked my insurance company that question.

Clearly I’m in my bitter phase.